Canoeing and Rafting Is a Popular Event of the Olympic Games: Everybody loves outdoor sports and activities; it keeps a man fit and going that way. It is one of the healthiest regimes that should be followed on a daily basis if possible. Canoeing and Rafting is one of the water sports that have also been gaining a lot of popularity along with the others. In this sport as one may have already guessed canoe is used for rafting purposes. It has often become difficult in distinguishing kayaking from canoeing and rafting as both of these falls on the same lines. Hence determining canoeing and rafting is extremely subjective.
The term canoeing and rafting has been actually used over the generations is certain places. In other places the same sport is also known as kayaking and paddle sport. North America is the only place that strictly differentiates kayaking from canoeing and rafting on the basis of the kind of boats that are used for the same. The history of canoeing and rafting states that the early canoes which were traditionally paddled on had no seats. The paddlers had to kneel on the bottom of the boat. These days the cones that are being used for recreational activities and sports purposes have in-built seats, and canoes falling under the category of surf and whitewater rodeo demand the usage of saddles that assist the paddlers in having a better control over the boat when put through extreme conditions.
The canoeing and rafting organization called the International Canoe Federation is known world wide for creating the standard norms for the various competitions of canoes as well as kayaks. The three most renowned competition of canoeing and rafting are single kneeling canoe, double kneeling canoe and four-person kneeling canoe. Canoeing and rafting has also been an event of the Olympic games since 1936, and still exists till the present day.