Tuesday, October 4, 2011
Camping and Hiking Know-how
Camping and Hiking Know-how: Camping and Hiking is like an addiction for many people. In this particular you are competing with yourself only. Camping and Hiking is very adventurous. People who perform Camping and Hiking simply get addicted towards this sport. An individual needs lots of will power, body fitness and mental strength for Camping and Hiking. This particular sport is not every ones cup of tea. It requires certain safety measures and gears. The most important thing which required for Camping and Hiking is passion. An individual must take proper training before doing this sport. The body of the individual must have considerable amount of immunity. For Camping and Hiking, selection of proper destinations is very much essential. It should be always kept in mind that the particular sport is very adventurous. Some mistakes may even cause death. Generally different mountain ranges are selected for Hiking and Camping. The particular sport is also performed on plains. Forests and different adventurous places are selected on plains for performing this sport. Camping and Hiking is done in groups. There may be 2 people, 4 people or even more in each groups going in an expedition. The individual performing the particular sport must aware of the geographical and climatic condition of the place where the expedition is being programmed. The common items that a person must carry for Camping and Hiking are binoculars, telescopes, compass, maps, emergency lamps, general medicines, portable camp, rucksack, sleeping bag and ropes. One must also carry some dry foods which do no can be preserved for considerable amount of days. If Camping and Hiking is done in mountain ranges proper warms clothes must carried to avoid getting cold. Special goggles are also available for the particular purpose. One must keep in mind during the time of expedition an individual may face problems with the climate and the animals which are present at the particular location.